Wrestle strong dojo traveled all the way down to Dubbo on Saturday 10th June for their debut show at the Wesley Community Centre.
Dubbo is the home town of WSDs very own DB Robinson.
The show started with a battle Royal, the winner winning the chance to face the heavyweight champion Joey Foxx. The entries where Aragon, Freya Fury, Dean Draven, Adam FACAA, Omen, Captain Crossface, Remi and the debut of Mikara. Hard hitting action from the start, alliances where formed,

We saw Remi and Omen working together, while also seeing Captain Cross face and Dean Draven also working together.

At the end it was a stand off between Dean draven and Captain Crossface, with some aggressive discussion, Dean came out on top, winning the chance to face Joey Foxx for the Heavyweight Title.
In match two we got to see a crowd favourite Chuck Chaos take on a new comer from Japan Karasu.

This match proved to be a high flying, fast paced hard hitting match, Chuck chaos took the win from Karasu, but Karasu has definitely left his mark in the wrestle strong Dojo, showing he is not someone to mess around with and is ready for a fight.

In match three the fans got to witness a women's title match with the WSD women's champion Freya Fury fighting Remi.
In true power the women put on a match that showed that even the women as as good as the man.

Remi showed that she was determined and wanting that belt showing her strength and power, but at the end of the match it was the womens champion Freya who came out on top.

The fourth match of the night was the heavyweight title match Joey Foxx facing the hard hitting Pantherine Dean Draven, these two have gone toe to toe a couple of times now and each time they get harder and harder and you can see the want in both theirs eyes.

Just when the fans thought it wasn't looking good for Joey Foxx, they got to see the Flying Foxx take the win over Dean Draven.

Match 5 was a choose your weapon Tornado Tag team match with the team of Adam FACAA and chuck chaos Vs Omen and El Isleno. This match had all the action and all the moments, from hard hitting, to laughs, the crowd was enjoying the whole match.

There was ladders, chairs, kendo sticks and even nose pulling. It seemed like Chuck and Adam where working really well together and coming out on top.

When Omen and El Isleno end up pulling the win, with a small mask swap, sending the crowd wild.

Then came our main event and final match, match six. Aragon alongside him was Mr Daniel Alexander defending his title against the hometown Boy DB Robinson.

DB the blue roo came in quick and ready to rumble, this was a fast match, big strong hits and the crowd were on the edge of their seats or on their feet cheering on their boy DB, while also booing and yelling at Mr Daniel, calling him Harry Potter.

Mr Daniel Alexander got to involve and DB wasn't afraid to tell him his thoughts and opinions on the matter

But at the end, Aragons upper hand of having his "manager" out with him end up being his downfall and distraction, With DB showing his true strength and winning the fighter's title.

Dean Draven came out and presented the new Fighters champion DB, with the new Fighters belt, telling the blue roo "you work hard, your loyal, you deserve this".

The Wresrle strong Dojo crew would like to thank the Dubbo fans of coming to the show and make it a great and exciting show for you, we are looking forward to coming back, so keep your eyes on this space to see when we will back, or when we will be coming to a place near you.
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Stay safe, stay happy and remember only the strong survive.